Vending Source prides itself on being customer-focused. We select products and vending routes that are specifically designed by your needs for you, your customers, and employees.


Full Service Vending

Uniquely-designed to fit your vending needs

Vending Source supplies businesses with quality drink, snack and/or coffee machines and plans your product inventory based on your specific needs. By implementing groundbreaking new technology, we provide faster service and repairs to ensure you, your employees and customers have access to refreshments all day, every day. 


Micro Markets

Self-Service Micro Markets

The new way to take a break

Vending Source offers Self-Service Micro-Markets to businesses who need convenient, healthy, and fresh snack options for its employees. Create endless possibilities and provide easy access to purchases to your employees 24/7. It's like having a convenience store in your very own break room.


Top Name-Brand Products + Fresh, Healthy Options

Popular brands & healthy options for consumers

Your options are endless at Vending Source. We have all the most popular products at our warehouse, plus new options you'll soon be craving. With the best of the best, your machines will stay filled with products that will keep your employees and customers coming back for more!

New Advanced Technology

Implementing new technology to provide quicker, more efficient vending service

Vending Source utilizes new innovative technology that creates easier payment options and streamlines routes to ensure timely, more productive service to our customers. With this innovative technology, Vending Source is able to monitor routes, GPS track our trucks, see live inventory in machines and so much more.